Equipment Suggestions












Below is an equipment checklist for running a TAMP route.

1. A 2018 TAMP data sheet - Available from the Apps and Resources page of this website.

2. A mobile phone - this is a safety requirement, but it also can be used for documentation (see below and on the Apps and Resources page).

3. A clipboard and a pencil for entering data.

4. A headlamp to to see the data sheet at night.

5. A completed Sight Description Form for your route.  The site description form describes the cumulative mileage from the start point, and includes a brief description of each stop.

6. A current route map.

7. The names of any people you have met on your route and their phone numbers.

8. TAMP magnets to put on the driver and passenger doors of your vehicle.

9. Some means to accurately tell the correct time, and to time the five-minute listening time for each stop.

10. A thermometer to determine the air temperature at each stop.

11. A spotlight to make your presence known to passing cars at night.

12. A camera to document species if necessary (smart phone cameras are fine).

13. A recorder to document species if necessary (you can use the video recorder on your smart phone, or use a recording app.  See the Apps and Resources page.

14. (Optional) A GPS unit - helpful if you are documenting the location of a new county record between stops. Most smart phones now are able to record the location of an image in the metadata for that image. Check out the GaiaGPS app on the Apps and Resources page.


Cope's Gray Treefrog on Black Willow and rising gibbous Moon montage © 2017 Bob English LEAPS



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Equipment Suggestions

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 The TAMP Frog Quiz
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